Raise Your Glass For Some “Bollicine”
It’s worth taking time to do a tasting to decide which wines to serve on your wedding day so come for a visit over the winter or early spring to do this, Destination Weddings are a good excuse to do things in preparation for getting married in Italy turning into a pleasure in themselves and something you’ll both remember. At the tasting you’ll be selecting all the wines you want to serve but let’s look at the first one you’ll be drinking which is likely to be Prosecco.
Prosecco in Italy is quite different to the exported version you know from drinking at home. It is produced in the area of the Veneto in North Eastern Italy. Generally its bouquet should have hints of jasmine, white rose, aromatic herbs (think of them warming up and releasing their scent on a sunny hillside), fresh fruit such as pears, apricots and apples making for a certain crispness.
Offering a glass of chilled Prosecco is perfect as your guests arrive before the ceremony starts or if it’s a hot day have thirst quenching flavoured waters, these are a welcome change and look fresh and cooling. Many couples prefer to leave the Prosecco for after the ceremony opening it at the aperitivo where a selection of light food is served. Prosecco combines well with crispy focaccia, freshly carved Prosciutto, crostini with vegetable patè, fresh vegetables in tempura batter, local cheeses and salami and a other savouries which are locally produced goodies. Once the ceremony is over it’s always great to see everyone relax and circulate and can listen to the difference in the sound of a group of people enjoying part of a really enjoyable destination wedding day spent together with friends.
Prosecco is easy to drink, it is fresh not too dry and not sweet which is why it works so well as a taste tickler or as the Italians say ‘stuzzica appetito’.
The bubbles should be fizzing to the right point which is delicately without being excessively bubbly. ‘Bollicine’ as sparkling wines are refered to in Italy are an unmissable part of any celebration especially Italian weddings.
When supper begins with a toast so stay with Prosecco for this though you may decide to stagger the speeches in which case use the wines which you’ve chosen to accompany the first and main course or serve Prosecco again. Prosecco combines well with most flavours including creamy sauces, fish dishes, pasta dishes cheeses and nuts and especially almonds. In the Veneto Prosecco is drunk through out the whole meal. Prices vary, as with any wine but happily there is no need to spend too much as a is reasonably priced Prosecco will please everyones palate maybe keep a few more select bottles aside to enjoy as you prepare for your wedding day, the bride with her briedsmaids and the groom with his party of friends and groomsmen.
Make it part of your wedding idea palate and choose the one which suits you from all the many different producers who have left their own mark on this unmistakeably Italian glass of effervescent delight.

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